
Green, low-carbon and smart bar-in-coil production line is created at Baosteel

Date:2024/9/2 Source: CISDI

A bar-in-coil production line has been hot commissioned at Baosteel Shanghai, China.

It’s part of Baosteel’s high-speed wire-rod rolling line 2, which is producing high value-added products such as cold-heading, bearing and spring steels.

The wire rods range from 9 to 28mm in diameter and BICs feature an 18-50 mm diameter range. They expand Baosteel’s product variety and specifications and better-meet industry’s high-end wire requirements.

CISDI undertook the workshop design and supplied the core equipment at the reheating furnace, roughing and intermediate mills areas.

Its advanced equipment and technologies have transformed the site into a demo green, low-carbon, smart and highly-efficient combined wire-rod and BIC plant.

Specialist equipment and technologies:

        Smart combustion control for the reheating furnace

        High-rigidity short-stress path rolling mill

        High-precision 3-hi mill

        Individual-drive modular mill

        Online multi-channel controlled cooling

        Smart stereoscopic warehouse

        All-line automation and integration system.

The reheating furnace is a reduced consumption energy-saver, thanks to hydraulic potential energy recovery and excess heat recovery tech.

The furnace’s discharge temperature is controlled to within plus and minus 20 deg.C of its target. Billets reheated in the furnace show a uniform distribution of temperatures.

The rolling line is tailored to reheating furnace low-temperature discharge and low temperature-controlled rolling. These methods achieve optimal product microstructures, yield strength and ductility.

In addition, the line can be tuned to low-temperature rolling and normalised rolling via the multiple process routes required by the product mix and specifications.

Featuring centralised control, piece-by-piece tracking, stereoscopic warehousing and a labeling robot, the rolling line is smarter than others currently operating at Baosteel Shanghai’s peer steel companies across China.



Baosteel Shanghai’s now operational BIC line, supplied by CISDI