
Recognition for CISDI’s BDCD1350 manufacture

Date:2024/1/19 Source: CISDI

A CISDI breakdown mill BDCD manufactured for Changcheng Special Steel has passed critical inspection.

Following a checklist, Changcheng and CISDI jointly tested the 1350-spec mill’s top and bottom roll system locking and lifting functions. 

They inspected its manufacture and assembly qualities and reviewed its certificate of origin, heat treatment reports, machining and assembly internal-check records. 

All functional, movement and parametre results met technical specifications and application requirements. 

Changcheng Special Steel, which operates in Jiangyou, Sichuan, under Pangang Group, was so impressed with the quality of manufacture, it gave the mill a ‘Distinction’ score.



CISDI and Changcheng Special Steel teams celebrate the BDCD1350 delivery