
First coke-oven steam turbine goes on-grid at Anyang Steel Zhoukou

Date:2023/7/25 Source: CISDI

CISDI Thermal and Environmental Engineering Co has successfully powered up a steam turbine’s on-grid power generation at Anyang Steel Zhoukou Plant in China’s Henan Province.

It is the first of three turbo-units which will reutilise excess coke oven heat.

CISDI, the energy project’s EPC-based service provider, built the site’s three coke dry-quenching excess heat boilers (each at 60 tonnes per hour), eight coke oven excess heat boilers (each at 80 tonnes per hour) and four 65 megawatt condensing turbo-units.

CISDI Thermal applied its core tech multi-boiler and single turbo-unit-coupled power generation, which charges steam from the coke oven and the CDQ’s excess heat boilers into turbo-units.

This tech improves boiler and turbo-unit collaboration and control, resulting in tangible reductions in thermal loss and remarkable enhancements in thermal energy utliisation.

It provides an optimal solution for reducing energy consumption, decreasing pollutant discharge and sustaining coking sectoral development.


CISDI and Anyang Steel teams celebrate the Zhoukou Plant’s first operational steam turbine