
CISDI to build third SPM for Shenglong Metallurgy

Date:2023/5/23 Source: CISDI

CISDI is to build Shenglong Metallurgy Co’s third skin pass mill.

The Guangxi steel plant has already had its SPM 1 and 2 built by CISDI. SPM 1 has been operating since 2020 and SPM 2 went into operation in January 2023.

Coil dividing and skin pass mill line 3 will produce 800,000 tonnes a year with a 1,780mm specification. It will achieve a maximum processing speed of 600 metres a minute.

Working to an EPC-based contract, CISDI’s team is implementing meticulous design processes and will ensure all construction work runs smoothly, so the SPM goes into operation on-schedule and meets its design standards.


Shenglong Metallurgy’s SPM 1 is being built by CISDI