
Zhanjiang Steel’s circulating water now managed online

Date:2020/5/28 Source: CISDI

A highly intelligent, centralised water control platform is now controlling three of Baowu Group Zhanjiang Steel’s water circulation systems.

Local control system upgrades and interconnected tests have been completed for the water circulation systems which will supply the hot mill, blast furnace 1 and steelmaking plants.

Its new water control platform is based on a CISDigital framework and has been established with the water system’s big data analysis centre, its integrated production control platform and intelligent dispatch and coordination platform.

Safe, centralised and highly efficient, the centre contains a multitude of intelligent applications:

Ÿ   Water balance analysis and forecasting

Ÿ   Full-process-flow optimisation and co-ordinated dispatching

Ÿ   Tracked management of water quality and dosing

Ÿ   Intelligent production assistance

Ÿ   Equipment condition and maintenance management

Ÿ   Intelligent co-ordination platform for operations and inspections

Production technology and management flows for the water systems are digitally empowered. Display screens are interactive and interconnected. Previously isolated operation, patrol check, spot check and energy management posts are now inter-connected.

Centralised water control centre results:

Ÿ   Configurations optimised by 30 per cent

Ÿ   Consumption of new water reduced by 7 per cent per tonne of steel

Ÿ   Dose consumptions reduced by 34 per cent

CISDI plans to make Zhanjiang Steel’s centralised water control centre China’s showcase example of across-the-board automation, IT application and intelligence.

CISDI’s team, commissioning the circulating water control systems for interconnected tests