
Shandong Steel’s Rizhao BOF4 is hot-commissioned

Date:2019/4/18 Source: CISDI

Shandong Steel’s Rizhao BOF4 is hot-commissioned

BOF4 for Shandong Steel’s Rizhao Meltshop has been hot-commissioned.

Shandong Steel’s Rizhao Plant is a key demonstration project for pilot steel restructuring and transformation in Shandong Province, China.

Success at BOF4 concludes the meltshop’s full startup of four BOFs and two LFs, all provided under CISDI’s turnkey package.

The meltshop will supply high-quality liquid steel for downstream high-added-value thin strip and medium plate-rolling. The target capacity is 8 million tonnes a year.

Construction on the meltshop began in February 2016. CISDI built all four BOFs, each with a 210 tonnage, four KR desulphurisation stations, two LFs, three RH vacuum refinery furnaces and 2-set 2-strand 1,950mm slab casters, a single-strand 3,250mm slab caster, one single-strand 2,500mm slab caster (relocation) and one single-strand 2,600mm slab caster, plus utilities.


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The CISDI-built meltshop at Shandong Steel’s Rizhao Plant